A Bomb in the Lasagna: The People Under the Stairs is Wes Craven’s Underrated Masterpiece

By 1991, director Wes Craven had lived several lives. Over the course of 20 years, the college professor-turned-horror-auteur evolved from the grindhouse provocateur to the 80s slasher hitmaker behind the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.  Still several years from leading the meta-horror renaissance with Scream, Wes Craven released a movie that defies easy categorization. Parts dark…

A Bomb in the Lasagna: Marvel Scales Back with “Ant-Man”

The major complaint leveled at the current crop of Marvel movies (aside from a tendency towards shallow villains and the overstuffing of movies with set-ups for other movies), is about the large, city smashing, collateral damaging stakes of the exploits. While Daredevil and Age of Ultron addressed that first issue, Ant-Man feels like a movie made squarely to challenge that last…