Sarah Lawrence — SciFridays, Site Artist

SciFridays-01My first distinct memory of a horror movie that really impacted me is watching The Fall of the House of Usher in junior high – starring Vincent Price, directed by Roger Corman. I’d like to think that my love of B-Movies was cinched during a happy coincidence. I had the flu and SciFi (before the ‘y’s) was airing a deep-sea-monster marathon.  I had the fortune of practically growing up in the ocean, which of course means I have a healthy fear of sharks, but also a healthy love of shark movies.

Later I would also realize that the influence of Jim Henson and Ray Harryhausen had permeated my life and influenced not only my art but also my taste in films. If we’re being honest, my favorite movie is Tarsem Singh’s The Fall, which is a sprawling fairy tale that makes me cry. This is shortly followed by Pan’s Labyrinth, directed by Guillermo del Toro, which is also a sprawling fairy tale that makes me cry.

If you’re wondering how I got to Rooster Illusion, you should know that James and I went to college together. This resulted in unsolicited reviews (from me) of weird horror movies I watched by way of Facebook post. One day I just determined that he should let me guest-column on his site. So here we are.

If you like the site art – check out my brand Gazellefish

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