House of Cards: “Friends make the worst enemies”

As the world gets more and more advanced, TV series are starting to make the switch to streaming. Netflix is one of the best streaming companies around, and has brought a little something more to the table. You guessed it, Brian Posehn’s new special: The Fartist.

On a more serious note (cause this show is about politics, and politics is serious business), House of Cards is one of the first productions that is exclusive to the Netflix community. People, this is the way to the future. Cable is starting to become phased out. Hop on the $7.99 train now or forever be left in the dust.

Plot: Set in modern day Washinton D.C., House of Cards is the story of the Democratic House Majority Whip Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey). After getting passed over for appointment to Secretary of State, he decides to take matters into his own hands. For those of you who aren’t too up to date with political positions, A Majority Whip is basically the Enforcer. He/She enforces that people stay disciplined with the party and will threaten punishments to representatives who do not comply with party ethics. Basically, Frank is a man you do not want to piss off. After not even getting a nod for the Secretary of State position, Frank knows what he needs to do. He needs to play the tune President wants to hear. In every episode, Frank just plots, and plots, and plots. Every move he makes is crucial, and has to be seen from every angle.

Seriously... Don't F*** with him.

Seriously… Don’t piss him off.

The opening of the show opens on a dark night on his block. After hearing a car hit a dog in a hit and run, Frank runs over to the dog hanging on to dear life. As he is holding the dog in his hands (that is not shown) he riddles off a quote that actually really stuck with me. “There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain, the kind that’s only suffering. I have no patience for useless things. Moments like this require someone who will act, do the unpleasant thing, the necessary thing.” Not to mention, all of what he says is in that Kevin Spacey southern accent that he does almost too well.Then he just, kills the dog! Probably one of the best beginnings to a TV series I’ve ever witnessed.

The rest of the cast is pretty, unique. I’ve never really seen any of them. Maybe in things here or there, but nothing that has had huge success or publicity. Obviously, Kevin Spacey is the shining star… but there isn’t a role or actor that’s out of place. There wasn’t ever a time where I said “You know, _______ would be great here,” which really is a first for me. But, the cast is just bulletproof. You have the all mighty man Frank Underwood, his wife (Claire Underwood) that just sits in the shadows (until later in the season), his assistant (Doug Stamper) who is just always on top of his s***, like all the time, a congressmen (Peter Russo) who has had a terrible past who is just trying to cling onto any piece of respect he has left, and a struggling reporter (Zoe Barnes) who will do anything to get a story (anything said in that sexual innuendo way… because, well… you’ll see when you watch). Not too mention, she’s kinda hot. Not the “Wow… I want to put my Bill on top of her Capital Hill” kinda way. But, in a “Hmm ok… thats a piece of legislation I wouldn’t mind passing!” way.


Along with other people who just make the plot and cast better, this show is definitely one that is worth watching. The only thing is the intro to the show is rather long (like… 2-3 minutes) which is a little annoying. But, once you get past that, the show is just amazing. No commercials, no low quality, and just not a damn thing out of place. Frankly (see what I did there?), it’s just a good show. Even if you’re not attracted to drama, this has enough substance to keep you wasting your Saturdays inside, eating pizza with your pants off.

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